Our 2025 AGM will be held in person and by Zoom in Canberra, ACT 1 PM – 2 PM Eastern Australian Standard Time (AEST) on Saturday 24 May 2024. Exact venue to be announced (as of January 31, 2025). Please email us for the link if you want to attend by Zoom. Agenda:
Ordinary business.
To confirm the minutes of the last preceding annual general meeting held Saturday 25 May 2024 and of any general meeting held since that meeting. See.
To receive from the committee, auditor and servants of the Organisation reports on the operations and transactions of the Organisation during the last preceding financial year of the Organisation; (i.e. reports from the President, Treasurer and Secretary for calendar year 2024);
To elect the officers of the Organisation and the ordinary committee members;
To appoint the auditor and determine his or her remuneration;
To appoint a Public Officer;
To determine the remuneration of servants of the Organisation.