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On June 27 Karunadeepa (to the left) presented a talk called "BODHI, the Bahujan Hitay Pune Project, and the ongoing work of Dr Ambedkar". Text to far left; Slides centre (pdf). Some more photos here.
Senator Bob Brown's message to BODHI's supporters, June 2019:
“It is said that “from small things big things grow”. Watching the heartwarming reach of BODHI to some of the world’s neediest people, I think “from small things good things flow. I am delighted to have been associated with BODHI for its first 30 years. Congratulations to everyone who has helped with its work and with BODHI a bountiful next 30 years” |
Heading image: photo of rainbow and waterfall, Tasmanian Western Tiers, 2019, with permission from Charles Chadwick