Once, occasionally, or regularly, by direct transfer, cheque, or PayPal send an appreciated donation Note that the bank transfer method is not too hard to do, and has no fee. PayPal charges us about 1%, using a sliding scale (this is their discounted rate for charities, we appreciate that).
Our Australian bank details: BSB 807009 Account No. 51326099 Name of account: BODHI Australia Overseas Relief Fund (This account is with MyState Bank, Launceston, Tasmania) Please put your full name in the reference line for bank transfers: otherwise we cannot tell your identity! We endeavour to send all donors a receipt, however, if you are a first time, or very occasional donor, please also send an email to us at [email protected] (this information is also automatically forwarded to us if you pay by PayPal)
Donations to this account are fully tax-deductible for Australian taxpayers
Cheques need to be made to "BODHI Australia Overseas Relief Fund" (post to 4 Queen St, Campbell Town Tas 7210).
Paypal: click donate button below
If you prefer, you can complete the form below and post (or print, scan and email to [email protected]):
_____________________________________________________________________ Name _________________________________________________________ Street/suburb/town _____________________________________________________________________________ Post code
PAYMENT TYPE (tick one) ___ Cheque ___ Direct transfer ___ Paypal
Privacy policy: We will not share your personal details with anyone for any reason, but would like to thank you on the website. Please tick if you do NOT want to be named. ___